• China-U.S. Scholars Program Grant Recipient (link)

    • Project Title: The Origin of Stories: Examining the Creative Process in Chinese TYA (link)


  • Getting Serious about Playful Play: Identifying Characteristics of Successful Theatre for Very Young Audiences (link/original file)

  • Teaching 'Theatre for Good,' In Incite-Insight: A Publication of the American Alliance for Theatre & Education (link)

  • Teaching 'Theatre for Good,' In Incite-Insight: A Publication of the American Alliance for Theatre & Education (original file)

  • The Representation of Taiwanese Childhood As Reflected in Taiwanese Theatre for Young Audience of the Taipei Children's Arts Festival 2000-2011, by Yi-Ren Tsai, Dissertation Review, October 2014 (link)

  • The Representation of Taiwanese Childhood As Reflected in Taiwanese Theatre for Young Audience of the Taipei Children's Arts Festival 2000-2011, by Yi-Ren Tsai, Dissertation Review, October 2014 (original file)

  • Entertaining Children: The Participation of Children in the Entertainment Industry: Higher Wages, Less Pain: The Changing Role of Children in Traditional Chinese Theatre, book chapter, Palgrave, 2014 (scanned link)

  • Entertaining Children: The Participation of Children in the Entertainment Industry: Higher Wages, Less Pain: The Changing Role of Children in Traditional Chinese Theatre, book chapter, Palgrave, 2014 (original file)